Two Thousand Sixteen

January 4, 2017

I'm not sure why... but it has taken me this long to realize that I haven't even reflected back on the year that has just passed. It might've been because I was away with my boyfriend & his family and we were traveling on New Years Day, but nonetheless.. it is always essential to take a moment to breathe, relax, and ponder all that was accomplished.

I think everyone should do this, because I feel that in today's society all we want is to be the best versions of ourselves. We want to be the best, feel the best, get the most likes, the most followers, etc or we feel like we aren't accomplished (I'm guilty of this!) Often times our effort, hard work, and determination are overlooked if we aren't getting to the huge goal that we set so high for ourselves. 

So with that being said, I'm going to take a moment to appreciate all that has been done within the past year (and I invite you to do the same!!)


  1. Finished my first semester of college & made Dean's List
  2. Got a job as a stylist at Ann Taylor
  3. Began dating the literal love of my life... couldn't be happier and couldn't ask for anyone better
  4. Took blogging more seriously
  5. Bought a car
  6. Bought a DSLR camera
  7. Passed my buying and allocation class with a 98%
  8. Eliminated toxic relationships
I am seriously so proud of myself for all that I accomplished within the last year, but of course there's room for improvement!


  1. Stop stretching myself so thin... This year closer towards the end has been the busiest I've ever been in my life. I have sincerely not stopped going since I started my second year of college, I was (and still am) constantly busy... going to classes during the week with only a half hour to spare until I had to be at work. Running on my one day during the midweek that I didn't have classes to my internship then to work right after.. Working almost every day of the weekend.. It was a whirlwind to say the least.
  2. Learn how to say "No." This might be my biggest and hardest one to overcome. This corresponds directly to the resolution above... When I don't know how to say no I end up wearing myself down and hardly having any time to breathe. 
  3. Be decisive. This is also another huge goal of mine. I am probably the most indecisive human being on this earth. This one again, relates to the resolution above... (damn it's like a chain reaction up in my life LOL) I need to start making up my mind and knowing from the start what I want to do. 
  4. I also want to get sh*t done! I want to manage my time more wisely and be more organized with tasks, 
  5. Last but not least is I want to live happier. I want to appreciate everything I have more often and not be so negative.
I hope this post has inspired you in some way! Here's to 2017 and all of the opportunities that lie ahead!

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